Once you’ve made your roof rain-worthy again, you’ll want to keep it that way. There are a few things you can do to help prevent future leaks or catch them soon after they happen.
Regular Maintenance
You can regularly inspect your roof yourself or schedule a professional inspection with the BD Exteriors team to catch damage soon after it happens. A minor issue can result in a major leak if it’s not caught in time!
Gutter Cleaning
Gutter cleaning is a relatively simple task with a big payoff. Keeping your gutters clean and unclogged helps prevent roof leaks and water seeping into your basement! Be sure your contractor installs Arrow Gutter Guards! Arrow’s V-cut enhancement breaks surface tension to ensure the highest rain collection while creating a lift for shedding debris, leaving you with less maintenance.
Proper Ventilation
Inspecting your attic regularly can help ensure that the insulation hasn’t slumped, restricting ventilation and causing moisture build-ups.